Tuesday, June 12, 2007

No more high school ever!

Yesterday didn't feel like much of an eventful day until the end. As I was taking the bus home, I realized there was no more high school, ever, for the rest of my life. It's amazing. I just have one final (Calc III) and then I graduate. Now, when you deride my opinions based on my age, you can't say "He's just a little high schooler." You have to say "He's just a little college student." The downside is, if you ever felt like talking about how amazing it is that "a high schooler can do that," (if I ever did anything amazing, which I didn't) it just doesn't work the same with a college student, because college students are generally recognized as full citizens who are capable of doing cool things.

Anyway, I've been inactive for the past week or so because I've had final projects to do. But here's the latest stuff I've been coming up with. Remember all that qualified naming code I posted here before? Well, I have a third version, which is probably much better. It's based on Slava's original idea for qualified naming. Instead of having a word like math or a prefix like << to mark what vocab something is in, what if you prepend it onto the word name itself? That is, what if you used math:+ instead of math: + or << math + >> The advantage of that, besides saving one or four characters, is that it is integrated into the language better. For example, you can do \ math:+ and all will work properly; the word + from the vocab math will be pushed on the stack. The other solutions don't do this right. So, here's the surprisingly short code needed to achieve this. Note that this code only works with the latest CVS because it uses the new module system, which treats vocabs differently.

USING: kernel sequences assocs parser vocabs namespaces ;

: define-qualified ( vocab-name -- )
[ CHAR: : add ] keep vocab vocab-words
[ >r append r> ] assoc-map-with use get push ;

scan define-qualified ; parsing

So the things I'm working on now are (a) Unicode, which should be ready for .90, or if not, .91, and (b) improvements on libs/xml. You probably thought libs/xml was done after so much work. Well, Matthew Willis is writing a Jabber client in Factor. To do that, he has to parse XML without exhausting the stream. Now, because the XML library is stream-based, it can handle streams just fine. The only problem is that, with the DOM-style view (which is reached using the words read-xml or xml-chunk, among others), the stream is exhausted. So, in their current state, it is unusable for this purpose. These structures are strict, not lazy (a path I may explore in the future, along the lines of HaXML, which I still have to read about).

The solution is to extend the pull-xml view. When I implemented it, I never thought it would be that useful, but now it turns out to be very useful for these incremental situations. To extend the DOM view to pull-xml, all I have to do is write a word which will pull the next DOM-view element--a tag, string, or other similar thing. Except, if the next element is a closing tag, I have to return that. The implementation of this is almost done, and when it is, Yuuki should be able to make the Jabber client relatively easily, without having to reinvent the wheel of the tree structure that XML follows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating your xml ilbrary, littledan! I haven't gotten to try it out, but I'm sure it's up to snuff. Also, congrats on your graduation!